The Natural Scenes Statistics Meeting

September 11-14, 1997
Hancock, Massachusetts

Organizers: Pam Reinagel, Dan Ruderman, Bruno Olshausen & David Field

Sponsorship: NIMH

This workshop, held in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts, brought together 31 participants to discuss current research on the relation between natural scene statistics and neural coding. Topics included: the measurement of statistical structure in natural images; the theoretical prediction of optimal encoding strategies based on such statistics; the comparison of neural response properties and/or perception to these optimal coding strategies; the effect of stimulus statistics on neural response properties or perception.


Ted Adelson, MIT
Per Bak, University of Copenhagen
Dana Ballard, University of Rochester
Horace Barlow, Cambridge University
Mike Berry, Harvard University
Bill Bialek, NEC Research Institute
Brian Blais, Brown University
David Brainard, UC Santa Barbara
Chuan Chiao-Chin, University of Maryland
Yang Dan, UC Berkeley
Jeremy DeBonet, MIT
Dawei Dong , Caltech
David Donoho, Stanford University
David Field, Cornell University
Jack Gallant, U.C. Berkeley
Dennis Glanzman, NIMH
Mike Lewicki, The Salk Institute
Zhaoping Li, MIT
David Mumford, Harvard University
Bruno Olshausen, UC Davis
Dan Osorio, University of Sussex
Pam Reinagel, Harvard University
Dan Ruderman, The Salk Institute
Kerstin Schill, University of Munich
Harel Shouval, Brown University
Eero Simoncelli, NYU
Mitch Thomson, Aston University
Hans van Hateren, University of Groningen
Paul Viola, MIT
Michael Webster, University of Nevada, Reno
Christof Zetzsche, University of Munich

Candid camera: