Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
UC Berkeley

10th Anniverary Symposium

Wednesday 01st of July 2015 at 01:00pm
560 Evans

The Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience was established at UC Berkeley on July 1, 2005, with the goal of developing mathematical and computational models of the brain, and providing training on these methods through its seminars and courses. We will mark our 10th anniversary with a half-day symposium featuring talks by current and former members of the Redwood Center.

1:00 Introductory remarks, Bruno Olshausen, Director

1:15 Keynote talk, Jeff Hawkins, Numenta, and founder of the Redwood Neuroscience Institute
"Why do Neurons have Thousands of Synapses? A Theory of Sequence Memory in the Neocortex”

1:55 -- break --

2:10 Fritz Sommer, Redwood Center, "Studies of intrinsic brain dynamics"

2:25 Dileep George, Vicarious, TBA

2:40 Charles Cadieu, Bay Labs, "My 10-Year Journey Studying Rapid Visual Object Recognition"

2:55 Ivana Tosic, Ricoh Innovations, "Scale-space Processing for Light Field Cameras"

3:10 Amir Khosrowshahi and Urs Koster, Nervana, "Scalable Deep Learning at Nervana Systems"

3:30 -- break --

3:45 Mike Deweese, Redwood Center, "Predicting response properties of visual and auditory cortical neurons based on sparse coding of natural sensory signals"

4:00 Jack Culpepper, Flickr, "Top ten places I've been with people from the Redwood Center"

4:15 Vivienne Ming, Scientist and Entrepreneur, "KinderSight: a natural scenes analysis approach to education"

4:30 Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Google, "Deep Unsupervised Learning Using Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics"

4:45 Alex Anderson, Redwood Center, "A Computational Model of High Acuity Vision during Eye Movement"

5:00 Reception

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