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[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B64PUIBJG_mSZUJ5aGd0Z2JMWGs Stan Klein Will Robots See?]
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B64PUIBJG_mSZUJ5aGd0Z2JMWGs Stan Klein Will Robots See?]
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B64PUIBJG_mSTjNRQWVOa2FWbmc Chalmers Constructing a Science]

=====Week 3: 9/7  Binding problems and Vision Mysteries  Jerry Feldman=====
=====Week 3: 9/7  Binding problems and Vision Mysteries  Jerry Feldman=====

Revision as of 22:16, 23 August 2017

Course description

This course is on subjectivity....blah blah blah

This is a new course...


Stan Klein

  • Email: sklein@berkeley.edu
  • Office: Minor
  • Office hours: immediately following lecture


  • Location: 560 Evans (Redwood Center conference room)
  • Times: Thursday - 2:00

Enrollment information

  • Open to both undergraduate and graduate students, subject to background requirements specified below.
  • Telebears: {CCN, Section, Units, Grade Option} == {xx, xx, xx, xx}

Email list and forum

  • Please subscribe to the class email list here. The list name is xxx.


Based on....

Required background

Prerequisites are ...


Week 1: 8/24 Introductory Discussion Stan Klein, Jerry Feldman & Ken Nakayama

Sejnowski, T. J. Churchland, P.S. Movshon, J.A. Putting big data to good use in neuroscience, Nature Neuroscience, 17, 1440-1441, 2014

“Seeing without Seeing? Degraded Conscious Vision in a Blindsight Patient” Overgaard, Fehl. Mouridsen, Bergholt, Cleeremans, 2008

Liliana Albertazzi (Ed) Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology, Mar 15, 2013 Review by Nicolo Valenti

Ken Nakayama’s course outline on Consciousness

Block Carmel Fleming Koch Lau Lamme, et al. Consciousness science: real progress and lingering misconceptions

  • Note that for week 1 there is no need to read the material before coming to class. The first meeting will be a general introduction. These articles will be mentioned and most will be discussed later.
Week 2: 8/31 Hard Problems and Psychophysical Methodology. Stan Klein

Stan Klein “Using Psychic Phenomena To Connect Mind to Brain using Quantum Mechanics” A skeptic’s view. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 13, 2017

Stephen Fleming H-meta d: hierarchical Bayesian estimation of efficiency from confidence ratings

Stan Klein Will Robots See?

Chalmers Constructing a Science

Week 3: 9/7 Binding problems and Vision Mysteries Jerry Feldman

Feldman, The Neural Binding Problem(s) ftp://ftp.icsi.berkeley.edu/pub/feldman/ binding.cody.pdf

Feldman, Visual Experience http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.08612

Week 4: 9/14 Peter Tse

Chapter in “Handbook of Experimental Phenomenolgy “How Attention Can Alter Appearances” Peter Tse, Eric Reavis, Peter Kohler, Gideon Caplovitz, Thalia Wheatley

Week 5: 9/21 Subjective Contours Ken Nakayama

Nakayama, K. , He, Z.J. and Shimojo, S. Visual surface representation: a critical link between lower-level and higher level vision. 1995 READ ONLY Pages 1-21

Lecture by KN at Redwood center hand out red cyan glasses https://archive.org/details/Redwood_Center_1012_01_11_Ken_Nakayama

Week 6: 9/28 Deep Learning and Subjectivity Bruno Olshausen

Sejnowski, T. J. Churchland, P.S. Movshon, J.A. Putting big data to good use in neuroscience, Nature Neuroscience, 17, 1440-1441, 2014 * same as week 1 reading

Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence Demis Hassabis, Dharshan Kumaran, Christopher Summerfield, Matthew Botvinick DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2017.06.011

Bruno Olshausen. Perception-as-Inference. The Cognitive Neurosciences. V.M Gazzniga & R. Mangun, Eds MIT Press. (2013).

Week 7: 10/5 Color Experience and the Whorf Hypothesis Terry Regier & Rich Ivry

Whorf hypothesis is supported in the right visual field but not the left Gilbert, Regier, Kay, Ivry, 489–494, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0509868103

Whorfian effects on colour memory are not reliable. Wright O, Davies IR, Franklin A. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove). 2015;68(4):745-58.

Week 8: 10/12 Wm. James on Subjectivity (and Phenomenology) Ken Nakayama

William James, Chapter 11 “The Stream of Consciousness” in Psychology: A briefer Course (p 151-176)

Also Ken’s Course Syllabus

Week 9: 10/19 Day for Discussion and preparation for rest of semester

In addition there could be presentation by Michael Cohen to prepare for the following week.

Week 10: 10/25 and 10/26 Christof Koch and Michael Cohen

a) 10/25 Richness of Visual Experience Christof Koch *Meeting on Wednesday Are we underestimating the richness of visual experience? Andrew M. Haun, Giulio Tononi, Christof Koch, Naotsugu Tsuchiya; Neurosci Conscious 2017; 3 (1): niw023. doi: 10.1093/nc/niw023

CohenMA, DennettDC, KanwisherN. What is the bandwidth of perceptual experience? Trends Cogn Sci 2016; 20:324-35

10b) 10/26 Richness of Visual Experience Michael Cohen Same readings as 10a.

Week 11: 11/2 Nikos Logothetis.

Multistable Visual Perception as a Gateway to the Neuronal Correlates of Phenomenal Consciousness: The Scope and limits of Neuroscientific Analysis”. This presentation is still tentative.

Week 12: 11/9 PreFrontal Cortex and Subjectivity Brian Odegaard & Robert Knight

Should a Few Null Findings Falsify Prefrontal Theories of Conscious Perception? Brian Odegaard, Robert T Knight, Hakwan Lau doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/122267

Neural correlates of consciousness: progress and problems - Nature Reviews Neuroscience Christof Koch, Marcello Massimini,,; Melanie Boly,; & Giulio Tononi,.

Week 13: 11/16 Time Subjectivity and Postdiction Shin Shimojo

B. Libet on “time marker” & “backward referral." https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4612-0355-1_9.

A direct application of this to visual processing: Nishida & Johnston (2002). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098220200698X.

Shimojo (2014) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3978293/.

Week 14: 11/30

Students discuss their Proposed Experiments