Cosyne 2007 Workshops

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February 22-25, 2007

The Canyons, Utah


If you are going to the main meeting, there is a free shuttle to the Canyons that leaves from the Marriott at 5 PM on February 25th.

To get from the Canyons to the airport (or for transportation in both directions, if you aren't attending the main meeting), you should call the Canyons, 1-888-226-9667. The cost is:

$34.00 one way.
$68.01 round trip.


A series of workshops will be held after the main cosyne meeting. The goal is to provide an informal forum for the discussion of important research questions and challenges. Controversial issues, open problems, comparisons of competing approaches, and alternative viewpoints are encouraged. Workshop topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

auditory processing of complex sounds; neurobiology of decision making; microcircuitry of the cortical column; foraging; active sensation; computation with spikes; dendritic processing; olfactory computation; Bayesian inferences in neuronal circuits; multisensory integration; visual processing; motor control; reward and neuromodulation; neural coding; computational anatomy; temporal difference learning; neurobiology of time perception; metabolic costs/consequences of spikes; adaptation and related mechanisms that operate on multiple time scales.


  • There will be 4-8 workshops/day, running in parallel.
  • Each workshop is expected to draw between 15 and 80 people.
  • The workshops will be split into morning (8:30-11:30 AM) and afternoon (4:30-7:30 PM) sessions.
  • Canyons is a ski resort, located 33 miles (typically less than 1 hour) from the Salt Lake City airport.
  • Buses from the main conference will be provided.


  • Deadline: October 21, 2006
  • Format: plain text only -- don't even think about attachments
  • email to: fsommer at berkeley dot edu. Please include "cosyne workshops" in the subject line.

Proposals should include:

  • Name(s) and email address(es) of the the organizers. A primary contact should be designated.
  • A title.
  • A description of:
o what the workshop is to address and accomplish,
   o why the topic is of interest,
   o who the targeted group of participants is.
  • Names of potential invitees. Preference will be given to workshops with the most confirmed speakers.
  • Proposed workshop length (1 or 2 days). Most workshops will be limited to a single day. If you think your workshop needs 2 days, please explain why.


Experience has shown that the best discussions during a workshop are those that arise spontaneously. A good way to foster these is to have short talks and long question periods (e.g., 30 minutes for talks; 15 minutes for questions), and have plenty of breaks. Also, when it comes to the number of talks, in the words of Jerry Brown, less is more. We strongly recommend fewer than 10. WORKSHOP COSTS/REGISTRATION Register at the main meeting site. Registration is now open. Cosyne does not provide travel funding for workshop speakers. (The corollary to this is that speakers must pay for registration.) Organizers are encouraged to apply for outside funding. WORKSHOP CZAR

   * Fritz Sommer (Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley)


   * Tony Zador (CSHL)
   * Alex Pouget (University Rochester)
   * Zach Mainen (CSHL)
   * Carlos Brody (CSHL)
   * Mike Shadlen (University of Washington)

QUESTIONS should be directed to Please include "cosyne workshops" in the subject line.