Lab meeting schedule

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Lab meetings are fridays at 10:30am in 10 Giannini. 1/2 hour 'business' stuff followed by a scientific presentation.

The presenter on the list can talk about his own work or a paper (send pdf out to the group a couple of days before). Fill in your title/abstract as soon as you know what you'll be talking about. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a line or two so we know what you'll be talking about. E.g. I'll talk about my analysis of blablabla, or I'll present 'paper title'.

If you haven't filled in anything, I'll remind you a week before lab meeting. But I have better things to do than being lab meeting nazi, so please get your act together.

You're welcome to switch dates individually, but talk to the one you're switching with.

--Thomas 12:48, 13 April 2006 (PST)

Lab meeting list

November 3

  • Speaker: Fritz
  • Title/abstract:

November 10

  • Speaker: Jimmy
  • Title/abstract:

November 17

  • Speaker: Thomas
  • Title/abstract:

Cycle repeats...

Previous Lab meetings

August 11

  • Speaker: Jack
  • Title/abstract: Bilinear models

August 18

  • Speaker: Tim
  • Title/abstract: How sparse is the cortex?

August 25

  • Speaker: Amir
  • Title/abstract: Receptive fields

September 1

  • Speaker: Tony
  • Title/abstract:

September 8

  • Speaker: Jascha
  • Title/abstract:

September 15

  • Speaker: Bin Yu
  • Title/abstract:

September 22

  • Speaker: Charles
  • Title/abstract:

September 29

  • Speaker: Pierre
  • Title/abstract:

October 6

  • Speaker: Kilian
  • Title/abstract:

October 13

  • Speaker: Horace Barlow
  • Title/abstract: Glass patterns

October 20

  • Speaker: Evan
  • Title/abstract: Coincidences and curious complexity

Is there a relationship between noticing a coincidence in a higher-level cognition sense, such as detecting "non-random" patterns in a series of coin flips, and experience-dependent changes in "attentional" preferences, such as developmental changes in looking times? Perhpas not but I'll spin a yarn in any case. I'll start with a review of Griffiths & Tenebaum (in press), "From mere coincidence to meaningful discoveries" (link here: Then I follow with some ill formed ideas of my own.

August 4

  • Speaker: Fritz (Jimmy)
  • Title/abstract: Kingsbury/complex wavelets

July 28

  • Speaker: Pierre
  • Title/abstract: Hierarchical Sparse Bayesian Learning

July 21

  • Speaker: Jimmy
  • Title/abstract: Signal processing using Chromatic Derivatives

July 14

  • Speaker: Bruno
  • Title/abstract:

July 7

  • Speaker: Tony
  • Title/abstract:

June 30

  • Speaker: Kilian
  • Title/abstract:

June 23

  • Speaker: Rich Baraniuk
  • Title/abstract: Compressed Sensing

June 16

  • Speaker: Thomas
  • Title/abstract: Preliminary stuff on coherence analysis of sustained attention fMRI experiments.

June 9

  • Speaker: Kilian+Charles
  • Title/abstract: Generalizing the Hilbert Transformation to 2D -- The Monogenic Signal

June 2

  • Speaker: Tim
  • Title/abstract: Polytrodes : large scale neuronal recording.

May 26

  • Speaker: Pierre
  • Title/abstract: Qualifying exams practice talk

May 19

  • Speaker: Jimmy Wang
  • Title/abstract: Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Sparse Coding

May 12

  • Speaker: Bruno
  • Title/abstract:

May 5

  • Speaker: Kilian/Tony/Fritz
  • Title/abstract: FQXI proposal link

April 28

  • Speaker: Tony
  • Title/abstract: ICA, ISA, IVA and all that (slides)

April 21

  • Speaker: Fritz
  • Title/abstract: Endophysics