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Reading and other resources
- Rodieck, "First steps in seeing"
- Wandell, "Foundations of Vision"
- WEBVISION (online resource)
- Books on reserve in Optometry library:
- Leo Chalupa and John Werner (2004) The Visual Neurosciences (two volumes)
- Manfred Fahle and Mark Greenlee (2003) The Neuropsychology of Vision
- Manfred Fahle and Tomaso Poggio (2002) Perceptual Learning
- Michael Gazzaniga (2009, 4th edition) The Cognitive Neurosciences
- Eric Kandel, James Schwartz, and Tom Jessell (2000, 4th edition) Principles of Neural Science
- Jeremy Wolfe, et al. (2009, 2nd edition) Sensation and Perception
Week 1 (Olshausen)
- Nov. 5 - The problem of vision; comparative vision; rods and cones.
- Lecture slides
- Reading:
- Land & Fernald paper on Evolution of Eyes,
- Rodieck: Chapters 3 & 8, plus "Interlude on plotting light intensity" (pp. 151-154)
- Nov. 7 - Phototransduction; photoreceptor renewal; dynamic range
Week 2 (Olshausen)
- Nov. 14 - Retinal information processing; scale-invariant sampling lattice
Week 3 (Olshausen)
- Nov. 19 - Sampling; receptive fields; optic nerve
Week 4 (Silver)
- Nov. 26 (4-6PM) - Extrastriate cortex: physiology, anatomy, and neuropsychology
- Lecture slides
- Supplemental readings (optional):
- Chalupa and Werner, Volume 1, Chapter 34, pp. 541-562
- Fahle and Greenlee, Chapter 7, pp. 210-218
- Wolfe et al., Chapter 4, pp. 96-101; Chapter 7, pp. 186-187
- Livingstone and Hubel (1988) "Segregation of form, color, movement, and depth: Anatomy, physiology, and perception" Science 240:740-749
- Merigan and Maunsell (1993) "How parallel are the primate visual pathways?" Annual Review of Neuroscience 16:369-402
- Videos from lecture:
- Nov. 28 (4-6PM) - Visual attention
- Lecture slides
- Supplemental readings (optional):
- Fahle and Greenlee, Chapter 7, pp. 218-236
- Gazzaniga, Chapter 13, pp. 205-217; Chapter 14, pp. 219-234; Chapter 19, pp. 281-288
- Wolfe et al., Chapter 8, pp. 189-209
- Videos from lecture:
Week 5 (Silver)
- Dec. 3 (4-6PM) - Experimental methods in visual neuroscience
- Lecture slides
- Supplemental readings (optional):
- Videos from lecture:
- single cell calcium imaging
- evoked versus spontaneous activity with voltage-sensitive dyes
- orientation pinwheels in visual cortex
- gray/white matter segmentation movie
- cortical inflation and flattening movie
- movie of layout of upper right visual field quadrant
- rotating wedge stimulus used for retinotopic mapping
- expanding ring stimulus used for retinotopic mapping
- angle mapping in visual cortex
- eccentricity mapping in visual cortex
- cortical magnification
- Nov. 30 (4-6PM) - Visual cortical development and plasticity
- Lecture slides
- Supplemental readings (optional):
- Fahle and Poggio, Introduction, pp. ix-xix
- Gazzaniga, Chapter 1, pp. 7-28; Chapter 4, pp. 67-72
- Kandel, Schwartz, and Jessell, Chapter 54, pp. 1063-1066; Chapter 56, pp. 1115-1127
- Huberman, Feller, and Chapman (2008) "Mechanisms underlying development of visual maps and receptive fields" Annual Review of Neuroscience 31:479-509
- Wandell and Smirnakis (2009) "Plasticity and stability of visual field maps in adult primary visual cortex" Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10:873-884
- Video from lecture: