Cluster Job Management

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Useful commands

See for a detailed FAQ on the SLURM job manager.

Full description of our system by the LBL folks is at

SLURM usage

  • Submitting a Job

From the login node, you can submit jobs to the compute nodes using the syntax


where the is an shell script containing the call to the executable to be submitted to the cluster. Typically, for a matlab job, it would look like

 #!/bin/bash -l
 #SBATCH -p cortex
 #SBATCH --time=03:30:00
 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
 cd /clusterfs/cortex/scratch/working/dir/for/your/code
 module load matlab/R2013a
 matlab -nodisplay -nojvm -r "mymatlabfunction( parameters); exit"

the --time defines the walltime of the job, which is an upper bound on the estimated runtime. The job will be killed after this time is elapsed. --mem specifies how much memory the job requires, the default is 1GB per job.

  • Monitoring Jobs

Additional options can be passed to sbatch to monitor outputs from the running jobs

   sbatch -o outputfile.txt -e errofile.txt -J jobdescriptor

the output of the job will be piped to outputfile.txt and any errors if the job crashes to errofile.txt

  • Cluster usage



to get a list of pending and running jobs on the cluster. It will show user names jobdescriptor passed to sbatch, runtime and nodes.

To start an interactive session on the cluster (requires specifying the cluster and walltime as is shown here):

 srun -u -p cortex -t 2:0:0 --pty bash -i

Perceus commands

The perceus manual is here

  • listing available cluster nodes:
  • list cluster usage
  • to restrict the scope of these commands to cortex cluster, add the following line to your .bashrc
 export NODES='*cortex'
  • module list
  • module avail
  • module help

Finding out the list of occupants on each cluster node

  • One can find out the list of users using a particular node by ssh into the node, e.g.
 ssh n0000.cortex
  • After logging into the node, type
  • This is useful if you believe someone is abusing the machine and would like to send him/her a friendly reminder.