Uploads by Mudigonda

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
22:41, 7 September 2017 Ryan zarcone.jpg (file) 1.78 MB   1
23:17, 20 March 2017 Neha profile.jpg (file) 1.96 MB   1
23:14, 20 March 2017 Neha resume.pdf (file) 86 KB   1
00:17, 19 December 2015 Mika photo.jpg (file) 376 KB   1
19:17, 28 October 2015 Pooneh.jpg (file) 1.04 MB Profile picture for Pooneh. 1
20:14, 14 March 2015 Rogers deweese 2014.pdf (file) 1.35 MB Chris Rodgers's Thesis work. 1
08:59, 3 October 2014 Vs265 fall14 hw4.pdf (file) 48 KB   4
07:17, 15 September 2014 Allie photo.jpeg (file) 0 bytes This is Allie's profile picture 1
01:32, 22 December 2012 Lab10 soln.pdf (file) 130 KB   1
22:40, 20 December 2012 Lab9 soln.pdf (file) 101 KB   1
02:55, 7 December 2012 Hw8 solution.pdf (file) 327 KB Includes a code template from Josh Abbott along with my code. Permission was obtained through private communication with Mayur Mudigonda. 1
00:17, 23 November 2012 Scripts.zip (file) 6 KB Josh + My solution to problem set 7. Permission from Josh in my e-mail. 1
23:44, 22 November 2012 Abbott ps7.pdf (file) 127 KB Joshua Abbott's solution to HW7. Permission in mayur's e-mail. 1
18:34, 31 October 2012 Solution6.pdf (file) 161 KB   1
19:22, 29 October 2012 Lab5 soln.pdf (file) 457 KB Now includes Bill Sprague's and Bharath Hariharan's solution for the class. permissions are in my e-mail. 2
09:19, 25 October 2012 Hw5 sol scripts.zip (file) 196 KB   1
05:32, 22 October 2012 Hw3scripts.zip (file) 739 KB Scripts for Hw3 from Bharath Hariharan. Permission has been acquired. 1
05:21, 22 October 2012 Hw3 writeup.pdf (file) 159 KB Bharath Hariharan's solution to HW3. Permission has been asked for from the student. 1
07:20, 19 October 2012 Solution.pdf (file) 130 KB   3
06:51, 19 October 2012 Hw2 sol.zip (file) 8 KB   3
08:43, 27 September 2012 Hw1 soln bilenko.pdf (file) 761 KB Solution of HW1, marked with point break up. The original solution is from Natalia Bilenko. 1