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- *49. P.S. Sachdeva, J.A. Livezey, M.R. DeWeese. Heterogeneous synaptic weighting improves neural coding in the presence of *48. M.Y.S. Fang, S. Manipatruni, C. Wierzynski, A. Khosrowshahi, M.R. DeWeese. Design of optical neural networks with component imprecisions. Optics expr12 KB (1,684 words) - 09:22, 4 March 2020
Page text matches
- *49. P.S. Sachdeva, J.A. Livezey, M.R. DeWeese. Heterogeneous synaptic weighting improves neural coding in the presence of *48. M.Y.S. Fang, S. Manipatruni, C. Wierzynski, A. Khosrowshahi, M.R. DeWeese. Design of optical neural networks with component imprecisions. Optics expr12 KB (1,684 words) - 09:22, 4 March 2020
- [[Image:deweese.jpg|left]] '''Michael R. DeWeese''', Associate Professor, HWNI and Physics <br />8 KB (1,035 words) - 22:47, 7 September 2017
- ...ility Flow (MPF) -''' A collaboration with Peter Battaglino and Michael R. DeWeese. MPF is a technique for parameter estimation in un-normalized probabilisti ...s of cancer patients -''' A collaboration with Joel Zylberberg and Michael DeWeese. (See also an earlier project training statistical models on MRI and CT br13 KB (1,871 words) - 01:06, 22 September 2014
- * Klein/Deweese: ICA/sparse coding of spectrograms [ KB (1,479 words) - 20:27, 25 May 2014
- Albanna B, Hillar C, Sohl-Dickstein J, DeWeese M (2017) Minimum and Maximum Entropy Distributions for Binary Systems wit <!-- A. B. Berger, M. Mudigonda, M. R. Deweese, J. Sohl-Dickstein. A Markov Jump Process for More Efficient Hamiltonian Mo34 KB (4,646 words) - 02:22, 22 January 2018
- 11/17/17 - Mike Deweese 10/5 - Mike Deweese24 KB (3,228 words) - 21:04, 23 February 2018
- Tim Blanche, Mike Deweese<br> Mike Deweese24 KB (3,352 words) - 02:05, 11 October 2006
- * Zylberberg, Murphy, DeWeese, [ A sparse c16 KB (2,099 words) - 02:09, 11 December 2014
- : News and Views: DeWeese and Zador, "Neurobiology: Efficiency measures". [ : News and Views: DeWeese and Zador, "Neurobiology: Efficiency measures" [ KB (6,586 words) - 00:00, 31 March 2016
- * Host: Mike Deweese * Host: Mike DeWeese134 KB (19,029 words) - 19:08, 7 September 2018