VS298: Unsolved Problems in Vision: Difference between revisions

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Weekly schedule:
'''Weekly schedule''':

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! Date
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! Topic/Reading
! Topic/Reading
! Presenter
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| Feb. 3
| Sept. 2
| '''Redundancy reduction, whitening, and power spectrum of natural images'''
| '''Introduction'''
* Barlow (1961):  Theory of redundancy reduction [https://www.dropbox.com/s/y7qgngopjrf5pvs/barlow61.pdf paper]
* Dan Coates refs...
* Atick (1992):  Theory of whitening [https://www.dropbox.com/s/xr9k56bxwc4bj9d/atick-redlich92.pdf paper] 
* Field (1987):  1/f<sup>2</sup> power spectrum and sparse coding [https://www.dropbox.com/s/jenlrgxxvm4h539/field87.pdf paper]
Additional reading:
* Attneave (1954) - 'Some informational aspects of visual perception' [https://www.dropbox.com/s/z57af14zjomnuxe/attneave54.pdf paper]
* Laughlin (1981) - Histogram equalization of contrast response [https://www.dropbox.com/s/lhdd9dpz22nqa73/laughlin81.pdf paper]
* Srinivasan (1982) - 'Predictive coding: a fresh view of inhibition in the retina' [https://www.dropbox.com/s/rkvl45yiapf4jfz/srinivasan-etal82.pdf paper]
* Switkes (1978) - Power spectrum of carpentered environments [https://www.dropbox.com/s/d14ktt9kgjimlx6/switkes-carpentered.pdf paper]
* Ruderman (1997) - Why are images 1/f<sup>2</sup>? [https://www.dropbox.com/s/clbwm63gkn036xq/ruderman-scaling.pdf paper]
* Torralba & Oliva (2003) - Power spectrum of natural image categories [https://www.dropbox.com/s/ybgzoc6egw99wee/torralba-oliva03.pdf paper]
|<br />
Anthony DiFranco<br />
Dylan Paiton<br />
Michael Levy
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| Feb. 10
| Sept. 9
|  '''Whitening in time and color; Robust coding''' <br />
|  '''Gary Marcus discussion''' <br />
* Dong & Atick (1995):  spatiotemporal power spectrum of natural movies [https://www.dropbox.com/s/npqsum1jx35so8p/dong-atick95.pdf paper]
* Gary Marcus readings...
* Ruderman (1998):  statistics of cone responses [https://www.dropbox.com/s/qpo6v0viush5k0o/ruderman-color.pdf paper]
* Karklin & Simoncelli (2012):  noisy population coding of natural images [https://www.dropbox.com/s/m4wc2c2v9p0vqyu/karklin-simoncelli12.pdf paper]
Additional reading:
* Dong & Atick (1995) - spatiotemporal decorrelation using lagged and non-lagged cells  [https://www.dropbox.com/s/lt13hc4mgcre5j3/dong-atick-decorrelation.pdf paper]
* Doi & Lewicki (2007) - A theory of retinal population coding [https://www.dropbox.com/s/kz0jfeiblcpha1e/doi-lewicki07.pdf paper]
| <br />
Chayut Thanapirom<br />
Michael Levy<br />
Yubei Chen
| Feb. 17
| Sept. 19
|  ** Holiday **
| Gary Marcus seminar - 12:00, 5101 Tolman
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|- valign="top"
| Feb. 24
| Sept. 23
|  '''Higher-order statistics and sensory coding''' <br />
|  '''First hour''':  Post-Marcus discussion <br />
* Barlow (1972): Sparse coding [https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqm62gnmje61y5c/barlow72.pdf paper]<br />
'''Second hour''':  Gallant discussion<br />
* Field (1994): What is the goal of sensory coding? [https://www.dropbox.com/s/ufvvznv0xx48ncf/field94.pdf paper]<br />
* Gallant papers...
* Bell & Sejnowski (1995):  Independent component analysis. [https://www.dropbox.com/s/qre5l2y1i6p5rlp/bell-sejnowski95.pdf paper]<br />
Additional reading:
* Redlich (1993):  Redundancy Reduction as a Strategy for Unsupervised Learning.  [https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9kp7pwh9g4n0xx/redlich93.pdf paper]
* Baddeley (1996): Searching for filter with 'interesting' output distributions: An uninteresting direction to explore?  [https://www.dropbox.com/s/cioqfzgadb1fd5l/baddeley96.pdf paper]
* O'regan & Noe (2001): A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness  [https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yg4je9wb1lohuq/oregan-noe01.pdf paper]
| <br />
Karl Zipser <br />
Michael Levy<br />
Mayur Mudigonda
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| March 3
|  '''ICA and sparse coding of natural images''' <br />
* Bell & Sejnowski (1997): ICA of natural images [https://www.dropbox.com/s/n2y1fqf9zix5wfc/bell-sejnowski97.pdf paper]<br/>
* Olshausen & Field (1997):  Sparse coding of natural images [https://www.dropbox.com/s/np4kiyo2yfqtyuq/olshausen-field97.pdf paper]<br />
* van Hateren & Ruderman (1998), Olshausen (2003):  ICA/sparse coding of natural video [https://www.dropbox.com/s/jucelyqdkde23g9/olshausen-video03.pdf paper1], [https://www.dropbox.com/s/f3mxyw1sw0devb4/vanhateren-ruderman98.pdf paper2] <br />
Additional reading:
* Olshausen & Field (1996): simpler explanation of sparse coding [https://www.dropbox.com/s/wridvqn9fqalnn5/olshausen-field96.pdf paper]
| <br />
Mayur Mudigonda<br />
Zayd Enam<br />
Georgios Exarchakis
| March 11 **Tuesday**
|  '''Statistics of natural sound and auditory coding''' <br />
* Clark & Voss: '1/f noise and music' [https://www.dropbox.com/s/mfidr4wfsuppgp3/voss-clarke78.pdf paper]<br />
* Smith & Lewicki: sparse coding of natural sound [https://www.dropbox.com/s/o4so96di3fdkzu4/smith-lewick06.pdf paper]<br />
* Klein/Deweese:  ICA/sparse coding of spectrograms [https://www.dropbox.com/s/6txhh3y3xapvvci/klein-kording03.pdf paper1], [https://www.dropbox.com/s/damynt0ruugy1v3/carlson-deweese12.pdf paper2]
| <br />
Tyler Lee<br />
Yubei Chen<br />
|- valign="top"
| March 17
'''Higher-order group structure''' <br />
* Geisler: contour statistics [https://www.dropbox.com/s/2167nccf3pbhl48/geisler-etal01.pdf paper] <br />
* Hyvarinensubspace ICA/topgraphic ICA [https://www.dropbox.com/s/322pakrrau9vl5g/hyvarinen2000.pdf paper1], [https://www.dropbox.com/s/zigl3gzursjmod1/hyvarinen-hoyer01.pdf paper2]<br />
* Lyu & Simoncelli: radial Gaussianization [https://www.dropbox.com/s/j87vewntbg1rzdl/lyu-simoncelli09.pdf paper]<br />
Additional reading:
* Parent & Zucker (1989): Trace Inference, Curvature Consistency, and Curve Detection, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/9a56qnpgaq7h60n/parent-zucker89.pdf paper]<br />
* Field et al. (1993): Contour Integration by the Human Visual System: Evidence for a Local “Association Field” [https://www.dropbox.com/s/qgcsvzk2i2is5d0/field-etal93.pdf paper]<br />
* Zetzsche et al. (1999): The atoms of vision: Cartesian or polar? [https://www.dropbox.com/s/78th56ytm8rayjs/zetzsche-etal99.pdf paper]<br />
* Garrigues & Olshausen (2010): Group Sparse Coding with a Laplacian Scale Mixture Prior, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/mgfg0rt7q9tokbz/garrigues-olshausen10.pdf paper]
| <br />
Chayut Thanapirom<br />
Guy Isely<br />
| March 24
|  ** Spring recess **
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| March 31
'''Energy-based models''' <br />
* HintonProduct of experts models, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/iow62b9nqbbxftw/hinton-poe-nc02.pdf paper] <br />
* Osindero & Hinton:  Product of Experts model of natural images, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/rkl97yw1ryvosya/osindero-welling-hinton06.pdf paper]<br />
* Roth & Black:  Fields of experts, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/w6lhf9li8tsexnm/roth-black05.pdf paper] <br />
Additional reading:
* Hinton:  Practical guide to training RBMs [https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kxbkrmay5h9abf/hinton-rbm-guideTR.pdf paper] <br />
* Teh et al:  Energy-based models for sparse overcomplete representation, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/ph17gczh2l1e9qa/teh-etal-jmlr03.pdf paper]<br />
* Zhu, Wu & Mumford:  FRAME (Filters, random fields, and maximum entropy), [https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxcc1gx1vfz1mwo/zhu-wu-mumford-FRAME.pdf paper]
| <br />
Evan Shelhamer<br />
Brian Cheung<br />
Chris Warner
| April 7
|  '''Learning invariances through 'slow feature analysis'''' <br />
* Foldiak/Wiskott: slow feature analysis, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/ce4ngfyop94whhj/foldiak91.pdf paper1], [https://www.dropbox.com/s/v3dgj50jp6sc26p/wiskott-sejnowski02.pdf paper2]<br />
* Hyvarinen:  'Bubbles'  [https://www.dropbox.com/s/1u7cmflubvt0zfy/hyvarinen-bubbles03.pdf paper]<br />
* Berkes et al.:  factorizing 'what' and 'where' from video, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/us4fmd6vphacc4x/berkes-etal09.pdf paper]
| <br />
Guy Isely<br />
Chayut Thanapirom<br />
Bharath Hariharan
| April 14
|  '''Manifold and Lie group models''' <br />
* Carlsson et al.:  Klein bottle model of natural images, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/egaeuqpr7spuaaq/carlsson-etal07.pdf paper]
* Culpepper & Olshausen: Learning manifold transport operators, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/1yqnpg7mfodfd8y/culpepper-olshausen09.pdf paper]
* Roweis & Saul: Local Linear Embedding,  [https://www.dropbox.com/s/xbslejj4jl7723q/roweis-saul00.pdf paper]
| <br />
Yubei Chen<br />
Bruno/Mayur<br />
James Arnemann
| April 21
| '''Hierarchical models''' <br />
* Karklin & Lewicki (2003):  density components, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/urjwi875vhtmyww/karklin-lewicki03.pdf paper] <br />
* Shan & Cottrell:  stacked ICA, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/vit1tyjsz75jalf/shan-cottrell07.pdf paper] <br />
* Cadieu & Olshausen (2012):  learning intermediate representations of form and motion, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0bsnjxq3v6rs0x/cadieu-olshausen12.pdf paper]
| <br />
Tyler Lee<br />
Brian Cheung<br />
Dylan Paiton
| April 28
|  '''Deep network models''' <br />
* Hinton & Salakhudinov (2006):  stacked RBMs, [https://www.dropbox.com/s/bjtfiiu44skwuzl/hinton-salakutdinov06.pdf paper] <br />
* Le et al. (2011):  Unsupervised learning (Google brain, 'cat' neurons), [https://www.dropbox.com/s/ydd91bhv0qj69rr/le-etal12.pdf paper] <br />
* Krishevsky et al. (2012): Supervised learning, ImageNet 1000 [http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips25/NIPS2012_0534.pdf paper]
| <br />
TBD <br />
TBD <br />
[mailto:abbasi@berkeley.edu Reza Abbasi-Asl]
| May 6 <br />
Note: Tuesday
|  '''Special topics''' <br />
* Fergus (2013):  visualizing what deep nets learn [http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.2901 paper]<br />
* Schmidhuber:  deep nets ([http://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.5548.pdf paper]), focusing on LOCOCODE ([http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= paper])
* Image compression with Hopfield networks <br />
| <br />
[mailto:shiry@berkeley.edu Shiry Ginosar]<br />
Anthony DiFranco<br />
Chris Hillar
| May 12
| '''Special topics''' <br />

Revision as of 00:49, 30 August 2014

One of the goals of vision science is to understand the nature of perception and its neural substrates. There are now many well established techniques and paradigms in both psychophysics and neuroscience to address problems in vision. However, knowing how to frame these questions for investigation is not necessarily obvious. Nervous systems present us with stunning complexity, and the purpose of perception itself is deeply mysterious. The goal of this seminar course is to step back and ask, what are the important problems that remain unsolved in vision research, and how should these be approached empirically? The course will consist of alternating weeks of discussion and guest lectures by vision scientists who will frame their views of the core unsolved problems. Interdisciplinary groups of students will devise a practical research plan to address an unsolved problem of their choice.

Instructors: Stan Klein, Jerry Feldman, Bruno Olshausen, and Karl Zipser
GSI: [1]

Enrollment information:

VS 298 (section 2), 2 units
CCN: 66478

Meeting time and place:

Tuesday 6-8, 489 Minor

Email list:

vs298-unsolved-problems@lists.berkeley.edu subscribe

Weekly schedule:

Date Topic/Reading
Sept. 2 Introduction
  • Dan Coates refs...
Sept. 9 Gary Marcus discussion
  • Gary Marcus readings...
Sept. 19 Gary Marcus seminar - 12:00, 5101 Tolman
Sept. 23 First hour: Post-Marcus discussion

Second hour: Gallant discussion

  • Gallant papers...