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Journal Papers


Bethge M (2006) Factorial coding of natural images: how effective are linear models in removing higher-order dependencies? J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 23(6): 1253-1268.

Rehn M, Sommer FT (2006) A network that uses few active neurones to code visual input predicts the diverse shapes of cortical receptive fields. J. Comp. Neurosci., in press

Rehn M, Sommer FT (2006) Storing and restoring visual input with collaborative rank coding and associative memory. Neurocomputing 69 (10-12), 1219-1223.

Sommer FT, Kanerva P (2006) Can neural models of cognition benefit from the advantages of connectionism? Behavoral and Brain Sciences 29 (1) 86-87.


George D, Sommer FT (2005) Computing with inter-spike inverval codes in networks of integrate and fire neurons. Neurocomputing 65-66, 414 - 420.

Johnson JS, Olshausen BA (2005) The recognition of partially visible natural objects in the presence and absence of their occluders. Vision Research, 45, 3262-3276

Johnson JS, Olshausen BA (2005) The earliest EEG signatures of object recognition in a cued-target task are postsensory. Journal of Vision, 5, 299-312.

Martinez LM, Wang Q, Reid RC, Pillai C, Alonso J-M, Sommer FT, Hirsch JA (2005) Receptive field structure varies with layer in the primary visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience 8 , 372 - 379

Olshausen BA, Field DJ (2005) How close are we to understanding V1? Neural Computation, 17, 1665-1699.

Sommer FT, Wennekers T (2005) Synfire chains with conductance-based neurons: internal timing and coordination with timed input. Neurocomputing 65-66, 449 - 454.

Talks and Posters

Blanche T (2006) - Neuroscience abstract

Incomplete list of publications from the Redwood Neuroscience Institute (2002-2005) here.