get a password
- press the PASS WORD button on your crypto card
- enter passoword
- press enter
- the 7 digit password is given (without the dash)
setup environment
- put all your customizations into your .bashrc
- for login shells, .bash_profile is used, which in turn loads .bashrc
ssh to the gateway computer (hadley)
note: please don't use the gateway for computations (e.g. matlab)!
ssh -Y (or
and use your crypto password
Useful commands
Start interactive session on compute node
- start interactive session: qsub -X -I
- start interactive session on particular node: qsub -X -I -l nodes=n0001.cortex
Perceus commands
The perceus manual is here
- listing available cluster nodes:
- list cluster usage
- to restrict the scope of these commands to cortex cluster, add the following line to your .bashrc
export NODES='*cortex'
- module list
- module avail
- module help
- help pages are here
Resource Manager PBS
- Job Scheduler MOAB
- List running jobs:
qstat -a
- List jobs of a given node:
qstat -n 98
- sample script
#!/bin/bash #PBS -q cortex #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2:cortex #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00 cd /global/home/users/kilian/ cat $PBS_NODEFILE mpirun -np 8 /bin/hostname sleep 60
note: remember to start an interactive session before starting matlab!
We don't currently have a proper Matlab installation. However, you can run an old version by appending the following to the .bashrc file in your home directory:
export PATH=$PATH:/global/home/users/jack/matlab74/bin
Support Requests
If you have a problem that is not covered on this page, you can send an email to our user list:
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