VS298: Unsolved Problems in Vision
One of the goals of vision science is to understand the nature of perception and its neural substrates. There are now many well established techniques and paradigms in both psychophysics and neuroscience to address problems in vision. However, knowing how to frame these questions for investigation is not necessarily obvious. Nervous systems present us with stunning complexity, and the purpose of perception itself is deeply mysterious. The goal of this seminar course is to step back and ask, what are the important problems that remain unsolved in vision research, and how should these be approached empirically? The course will consist of alternating weeks of discussion and guest lectures by vision scientists who will frame their views of the core unsolved problems. Interdisciplinary groups of students will devise a practical research plan to address an unsolved problem of their choice.
Instructors: Stan Klein, Jerry Feldman, Bruno Olshausen, and Karl Zipser
GSI: Dan Coates
Enrollment information:
VS 298 (section 2), 2 units
CCN: 66478
Meeting time and place:
Tuesday 6-8, 489 Minor
Email list:
vs298-unsolved-problems@lists.berkeley.edu subscribe
Weekly schedule:
Date | Topic/Reading |
Sept. 2 | Introduction
Sept. 9 | First hour: Methodology in vision science (Klein) Second hour: Marcus background discussion
Sept. 19 | Gary Marcus lecture - 12:00, 5101 Tolman
Sept. 23 | First hour: Marcus discussion Second hour: Gallant background discussion
Sept. 30 | Gallant lecture
Oct. 7 | First hour: Gallant discussion Second hour: Malik background discussion
Oct. 14 | Malik lecture (tentative date)
Oct. 21 | First hour: Malik discussion Second hour: Nakayama background discussion
Oct. 28 | Nakayama lecture
Nov. 4 | First hour: Nakayama discussion Second hour: Regier background discussion
Nov. 11 | Regier lecture (tentative date)
Nov. 18 | First hour: Regier discussion Second hour: Feldman background discussion
Nov. 25 | Feldman lecture (tentative)
Dec. 2 | Student presentations |