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- Odoemene and Churchland Neuron Preview of Rodgers and DeWeese 2014.pdf Deweese
06:35, 5 June 2014
; 135 KB
- Rodgers and DeWeese rodent auditory stim selection A1 PFC Neuron 2014 w Sup Info.pdf Deweese
06:30, 5 June 2014
; 3.37 MB
- Rodgers & DeWeese Rodent Paradigm for Stim Selection Anticipitory Effects PFC & A1 3rd round Neuron preprint.pdf Deweese
06:28, 2 February 2014
; 5.24 MB
- Zulkowski Sivak DeWeese Optimal Transitions Nonequil Steady States PLOS1 2013 accepted.pdf Deweese
17:52, 29 October 2013
; 320 KB
- SohlDickstein Mudigonda DeWeese Sampling Without Detailed Ballance preprint.pdf Deweese
16:57, 11 October 2013
; 2.82 MB
- Zylberberg DeWeese Decreasing Sparseness During Development PLoS CB 2013 reprint.pdf Deweese
18:28, 4 September 2013
; 1.34 MB
- Rodgers DeWeese neural correlates of task switching in mPFC and A1 preprint.pdf Deweese
04:19, 6 July 2013
; 3.03 MB
- Hromadka Zador DeWeese Up states are rare in A1 J Neurophysiol 2013.pdf Deweese
21:18, 5 July 2013
; 1.57 MB
- King Zylberberg DeWeese E I Net Model of V1 JNeurosci 2013.pdf Deweese
07:15, 1 April 2013
; 1.88 MB
- SohlDickstein et al echolocation for the blind icme preprint.pdf Deweese
19:47, 18 March 2013
; 2.79 MB
- Marzen Zylberberg DeWeese BinocularDisparity R7a 1-28-2013-2 preprint.pdf Deweese
08:50, 9 February 2013
; 795 KB
- Apicella Dastjerdi DeWeese synaptic mechanisms spatial hearing A1 doublespaced preprint.pdf Deweese
10:36, 2 February 2013
; 887 KB
- Buracas Zador DeWeese Albright Efficient Discrimination Neuron 1998.pdf Deweese
07:22, 12 January 2013
; 404 KB
- DeWeese Bialek Info Flow in Sensory Neurons Il Nuovo Cimento 1995.pdf Deweese
07:17, 12 January 2013
; 3.55 MB
- Bits & Brains Bialek DeWeese Rieke Warland Physica A 1993.pdf Deweese
07:06, 12 January 2013
; 761 KB
- DeWeese Zador adaptation to variance Neural Computation 2003.pdf Deweese
06:46, 12 January 2013
; 255 KB
- Yang DeWeese Otazu Zador microstim timing NatNeuro 2008 epub.pdf Deweese
06:02, 12 January 2013
; 140 KB
- SohlDickstein Battaglino DeWeese MPF ICML 2011 with SupMat.pdf Deweese
04:13, 12 January 2013
; 908 KB
- SohlDickstein Battaglino DeWeese MinProbFlow PRL 2011 reprint.pdf Deweese
23:39, 9 January 2013
; 607 KB