We have five mailinglists:
A very large email list for seminar announcements: | |
An email list for friday meeting announcements: | |
A local email list for members of the redwood center: | |
An email list for the TCN journal club: | |
An email list for the cluster at LBL: | |
A low-traffic email list for general announcements: (Obsolete) | |
An email list for issues with computers in Evans: (Obsolete) | |
You can subscribe to any of the lists by sending mail to: [1] that contains:
subscribe [name of email list]
where the phrase in brackets is the list you wish to subscribe to, without ''. If you have a calmail account, you can also sign up on the web here:
Here's a more detailed description of the lists and how to use them:
redwood_only - those physically located in the Redwood Center or working with a PI here. Use this list for internal communications within the Redwood Center - i.e., "where is the printer toner" - or to point out interesting papers or upcoming meetings of interest, etc. **Do not** use this list to announce what you are going to talk about in the upcoming Friday meeting.
redwood_meeting - a superset of the above, including folks in other labs across campus who occasionally wish to attend our Friday meetings and be apprised of the topic/speaker each week. You *should* use this list to announce what you are going to talk about if you are the week's upcoming speaker. You may also wish to use this list to announce papers, grant or job opportunities, etc. that you think will be of interest to this larger group.
redwood - those who wish to get announcements about our Wednesday public seminars. It has about 700 subscribers, many off-campus folks, etc.
redwood_tcn - journal club, weekly emails with the next paper that will be covered and a reminder on the day of the journal club. See the Topics in Computational Neuroscience (TCN) Journal Club Page for current and past papers, time, and location of the journal club.