Lab meeting schedule
Lab meetings are on fridays starting promptly at 10:45am in 560 Evans. 20 minutes organizational business followed by a scientific presentation.
Current Czar: Shariq
You're welcome to switch dates individually, but talk to the one you're switching with, and let me (Shariq) know so that I can make the change in the schedule.
Lab meeting schedule
Please send me your abstract by Thursday morning.
05/11/18 - Alex Anderson (exit talk!)
05/04/18 - Mayur Mudigonda
04/27/18 - Michael Fang
04/20/18 - Paxon Frady
04/13/18 - Chris Warner
04/06/18 - M's student
03/30/18 - Shariq Mobin
03/23/18 - Saeed Saremi
03/16/18 - Ryan Zarcone
03/09/18 - Peter Jezek
03/02/18 - Cancelled for Cosyne
02/23/18 - Guy Isley
02/16/18 - Brian Cheung
02/09/18 - Open (ICML Submission day)
02/02/18 - Dylan Paiton
01/26/18 - Eric Weiss
01/19/18 - Cancelled due to Simon's bootcamp
01/12/18 - No Talk
12/29/17 - Winter Break
12/22/17 - Winter Break
12/15/17 - Neha Wadia
12/8/17 - Spencer Kent
12/1/17 - Rotation Students (Sylvia & Steven)
11/24/17 - [Cancelled - Thanksgiving]
11/17/17 - Mike Deweese
11/10/17 - [Cancelled - Veterans Day]
11/3/17 - Yubei Chen
10/27/17 - Discussion
10/20/17 - Leila Wehbe (Gallant Lab)
10/13/17 - Neuroscience Retreat
10/6/17 - Pratik Sachdeva
9/29/17 - Alex Anderson
9/22/17 - Jimmy Xia
9/15/17 - Bay Area Vision Research Day (BAVRD)
9/8/17 - Louis Kang
9/1/17 -
8/25/17 - David Zipser
8/18/17 - James Arnemann
8/11/17 - Eric Dodds
8/4/17 - Vasha Dutell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7/28/17 - Christian Tomani
7/21/17 - CRCNS Course
7/14/17 - CRCNS Course
7/7/17 - Baladitya Yellapragada
6/30/17 - Kohta Ishikawa
6/23/17 - Paxon Frady
6/16/17 - Sean Mackesey
6/9/17 - Pentti Kanerva
6/2/17 - Alex Terekhov
5/26/19 - Bruno Olshausen
5/19/17 - NIPS Deadline !!!
5/12/17 - Justin Theiss
5/5/17 - Alex Anderson
4/28/17 - Dibyendu Mandal
4/21/17 - XXX
4/14/17 - Redwood-Griffiths lab summit
4/7/17 - Eric Weiss
3/31/17 - Spring Break
3/24/17 - Brian Cheung
3/17/17 - Alan Robert Mardinly (Adesnik Lab)
3/10/17 - Chris Hillar
3/3/17 - Michael Fang
2/24/17 - COSYNE
2/17/17 - Shariq Mobin
2/10/17 - Spencer Kent
2/3/17 - Paxon Frady
1/27/17 - Neha Wadia
1/20/17 - Yubei Chen
1/13/17 - Dylan Paiton
1/6/16 - No Meeting.
12/30/16 - Cancelled New Years
12/23/16 - Cancelled Christmas
12/16/16 - Eric Weiss
12/9/16 - Roton Presentations
12/2/16 - Charles Frye
11/25/16 - Cancelled Thanksgiving
11/18/16 - Pratik Sachdeva
11/11/16 - Academic/Adminastrative Holiday
11/4/16 - Alex Anderson
10/28/16 - Karl Zipser
10/21/16 - Ryan Zarcone
10/14/16 - Brian Cheung
10/7/16 - Open Right Now...
9/30/16 - Charles Garfinkel
9/23/16 - Vasha Dutell
9/16/16 - Cancelled - Neuroscience Retreat
9/9/16 - Eric Dodds
9/2/16 - Kohta Ishikawa
8/26/16 - Peter Jezek
8/19/16 - Jesse Livezey
8/12/16 - Dibyendu Mandal
8/5/16 - Saeed Saremi
7/29/16 - No Presentation.
7/22/16 - CRCNS Summer Course
7/15/16 - CRCNS Summer Course
7/8/16 - Sean Mackesey
7/1/16 - Cancelled
6/24/16 - Denis Kleyko (Pentti collaborator)
6/17/16 - Chris Warner
6/10/16 - VS 265 Discussion
6/3/16 - Paxon Frady
5/27/16 - Alejandro Bujan
5/20/16 - Cancelled [NIPS Submission Deadline]
5/13/16 - Yubei Chen
5/6/16 - Dylan Paiton
4/29/16 - Rotation Students #2 (Neha Wadia, Dan Mossing, Spencer Kent)
4/22/16 - Rotation Students #1 (Ryan Zarcone, Sara Popham, Roury Battleday)
4/15/16 - Eric Weiss
4/8/16 - Guy Isley
4/1/16 - Eric Dodds
3/25/16 - (Cancelled Spring Break)
3/18/16 - Mr. (Alex) Anderson
3/11/16 - Mike Schachter
3/4/16 - Brian Cheung
2/26/16 - [Cancelled COSYNE]
2/19/16 - Katelyn Arnemann
2/12/16 -
2/5/16 - Nicolas Pegard
1/29/16 - Charles Garfinkle
1/22/16 - Greg Telian
1/15/16 - Charles Frye
1/8/16 - [ ]
1/1/16 - New Years Day
^^^ - - - - - - - - - [ 2016 ] - - - - - - - - - - ^^^
12/25/15 - Christmas Day.
12/18/15 - Mika Laiho
12/11/15 - NIPS Discussion.
12/4/15 - Pulkit Aggrawal
11/27/15 - [[[Thanksgiving]]]
11/20/15 - Jesse Livezey
11/13/15 - David Zipser
11/6/15 - Mayur Mudigonda
10/30/15 - Garrett Kenyon
10/23/15 - Kohta Ishikawa
10/16/15 - Paxon Frady
10/9/15 - Chayut Thanapirom
10/2/15 - Alex Anderson
9/25/15 - HWNI Neuroscience Retreat.
9/18/15 - BAVRD.
9/11/15 - Chris Warner
9/4/15 - Mika Laiho
8/28/15 - Sean Mackesey
8/21/15 - Tyler Lee
8/14/15 - Ian Pengra
8/7/15 - Cancelled (MANTISSA day)
=======[Current Date]=======
7/31/15 - Sarah Marzen
7/24 - Chris Hillar
7/17 - CRCNS Summer Course
7/10 - CRCNS Summer Course
7/3 - Independence Day Holiday
6/26 - Eric Weiss
6/19 - Mayur Mudigonda
6/12 - Mike Schachter
6/5 - Joseph Thurakal
5/29 - Jason Yosinski (Brian Cheung)
5/22 - Dan Butts
5/15 - Alex Pouget
5/8 - Dylan Paiton
5/1 - Amir
4/24 - Alex Anderson
4/17 - Bruno Olshausen
4/10 - Shariq Mobin
4/3 - Yubei Chen
3/27 - (Holiday?)
3/20 - Guy Isley
3/13 - Jesse Livezey
3/6 - Alejandro Bujan
2/27 - Aditya Joshi
2/20 - David Zipser
2/13 - Lab Meeting Cancelled - IBM True North Meeting
2/6 - Lab Meeting Cancelled - BAVRD (
1/30 - James Arnemann
1/23 - Charles Garfinkle
1/16 - Group Discussion
1/9 - Tyler Lee
1/2 - No Meeting - New Years.
^^^ - - - - - - - - - [ 2015 ] - - - - - - - - - - ^^^
Previous Lab meetings
12/26 - No Meeting - Christmas.
12/19 - Brian Cheung & Jesse Livezey
12/12 - Chris Hillar
12/5 - Prashanth Selvaraj
11/28 - No Meeting - Thanksgiving.
11/21 - Eric Weiss
11/14 - Tyler Lee
11/7 -
10/31 - Alex Anderson
10/24 - Jesse Livezey
10/17 - Jesse Engel
10/10 - Brian Cheung
10/3 - Shun Wantanabe
9/26 - Chris Warner
9/19 - Gary Marcus
9/12- No Meeting - HWNI Retreat
9/5 - Mike Schachter
8/29 - Brian Cheung & Pulkit Aggarwal
8/22 - Eric Weiss
8/15 - Vicente Malave
8/8 - Sean MacKasey
8/1 - Yvonne Fonken
7/25 - Bruno Olshausen
7/18 - Guy Isley
7/11 - Georgios Exarchakis
7/4 - Cancelled 4 July
6/27 - Urs Koster
6/20 - Dylan Paiton
6/13 - Women in Science
6/6 - Mayur Mudigonda
5/30 - (Cancelled)
5/23 - Shariq Mobin
5/16 - Chris Warner
4/25 - Zayd Enam
4/18 - Fritz Sommer
4/11 - Sarah Marzen
4/4 - RedGang Lab Meeting @ Stanford
3/28 - Brian Cheung / Charles Garfinkle
3/21 - Jesse Engel
3/14 -
3/7 - Eric Weiss
2/28 -
2/21 - Urs Koster
2/14 - Pentti Kanerva
2/7 - Joe Thurkal
1/31 - Katelyn Begany
1/24 - James Arnemann
1/17 - Yubei Chen
1/10 - Guy Isley
1/3 - TBD...
12/27/13 - Cancelled (Festivus)
12/20/13 - Evan Archer (visitor from Pillow lab)
12/13/13 - Dylan Paiton / Sean MacKasey
12/6/13 - Cancelled : NIPS Conference
11/29/13 - Thanksgiving
11/22/13 - Mayur Mudigonda
11/15/13 - Clemens Boucsein : "A sub-threshold bifurcation as the determinant for spiking precision in neocortical pyramidal cells."
11/8/13 - Chris Hillar
11/1/13 - Meeting Cancelled - ICBS Seminar Robbie Jacobs U Rochester
10/25/13 - Tyler Lee
10/18/13 - Meeting Cancelled (Neuro Retreat)
10/11/13 - Meeting Cancelled (ICBS seminar)
10/4/13 - Cancelled for BAVM Meeting @ Facebook
9/27/13 - Bruno Olshausen
9/20/13 - Tony Bell
9/13/13 - Michael Schachter
9/6/13 - Chris Warner
8/30/13 - Paul Rhodes (Evolved Machines)
8/23/13 - Mike Schachter
8/17 - Daniel Little
8/24 - Chris Hillar
8/31 - Ian Stevenson
9/7 - John Collins
9/14 - Fritz Sommer
9/21 - Tyler Lee
9/28 - Bruno Olshausen
10/5 - Mike Deweese
10/12 - SFN
10/19 - Gert Van Dijck
10/26 - Guy Isley --> Chris/Mayur
11/2 - Gautam Agarwal
11/9 - John Schulman (Bruno)
11/16 - Eric Weiss
11/23 - (thanksgiving)
11/30 - Yan Karklin (Tyler)
12/7 - (NIPS)
12/14 - Daniel Little (exit talk)
12/21 - (open if enough people around)
1/4 - Mike Schachter
1/11 - SKIPPED
1/18 - Sarah Marzen
1/25 - Guy Isely
2/1 - Mika Laiho
2/8 - Kevin
2/15 - Chris Warner
2/22 - Ian Stevenson
3/1 - COSYNE
3/8 - Cosyne summary
3/15 - Alan Yuille
3/22 - Chris Hillar
3/29 - holiday
4/5 - Tyler Lee
4/12 - Gautam Agarwal
4/19 - Bruno
4/26 - Mayur Mudigonda
5/3 - Harel Shouval
5/10 - Watson (Crutchfield Lab @ UC Davis)
5/17 - Evan Lyall
5/24 - Sarah Marzen
5/31 - Cancelled- Simons Institute Kickoff Meeting
6/7 - Joint Lab Meeting Surya Ganguli Lab
6/14 - Ross Gayler
6/21 - Georgios ICML talk
6/28 - PhD Candidate from Allen Institute
7/5 - No Meeting (4th July Holiday)
7/12 - Blerim Emruli
7/19 - No Meeting (CRCNS Course)
7/26 - No Meeting (CRCNS Course)
8/2 - Georgios
8/9 - No Meeting
8/16 - No Meeting (BAVRD Meeting)
- Speaker: Will
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Jack
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Paul
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Kilian
- Title/abstract: Quaternionic Representations for 2D signals
- Speaker: Daniel
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Jimmy / Jascha
- Title/abstract: Learning Lie Group operators from Natural Movie
- Speaker: Badr
- Title/abstract:
2/27 COSYNE, no meeting
- Speaker: Vivienne
- Title/astract: AIM vs. JAS / I'll be multitasking by discussing the results of a sparse coding analysis of the Auditory Image Model. This is work with Fritz and Martin, so hopefully will be there sparing me another meeting afterwards. Depending on the available time I will also solicit feedback on an alternate approach to sounds representation. Individual sounds streams are modeled as successive and overlapping, amplitude and frequency modulated sound "textures".
- Speaker: Tony
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Tony
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Jascha and Peter
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Chris
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Fritz
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Pierre
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Pentti
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Jeff
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Nicol
- Title/astract:CANCELED
- Speaker: Martin
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Charles
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Thomas
- Title/astract:
- Speaker: Will
- Title/astract:CANCELED
january 4
- Speaker: no meeting
- Title/abstract:
january 11
- Speaker: Vivienne
- Title: A theoretical model of specific language impairment
- Abstract: Some form of developmental speech or language disorders affecting as many as 5-10% of all children (Leonard, 1998). While many disorders have been associated with specific problems in cognitive or linguistic development, specific language impairment (SLI) describes children with significantly delayed acquisition of language without evidence of brain damage, impaired hearing or vision, schizophrenia, autism or other neurological disorders (Tallal, 2004). As such, children with SLI show extreme difficulty in early language acquisition while other cognitive abilities appear to fall within the population norm. In many earlier theories of SLI, high-level, language-specific deficits were often hypothesized as the underlying cause of the delayed learning; however, findings over the last decade suggest that a more generic auditory deficit underlies the degraded phonological processing associated with SLI children (Leonard, 1998; Tallal et al., 1993, 1996, 1998; Wright et al.., 2000). Much of this literature indicates that impaired perception and discrimination of rapidly changing components of both speech and nonspeech stimuli undermines development of normal language abilities (Godfrey et al., 1981; Kraus et al.., 1996; McAnally & Stein, 1997; Nagarajan et al., 1999; Reed, 1989; Snowling et al.., 1986; Stark & Heinz, 1996a, 1996b; Werker & Tees, 1987; Wright et al., 2000; Goswami et al., 2002, Gaad et al., 2006), although some findings have questioned these findings (Heath & Hogben, 2004; White, Milne, et al., 2006; White, Frith, et al., 2006). Even within this body of research, there exist differing theories about the nature of the underlying deficit. Some groups have agued that deficits in rapid auditory processing (RAP) leads to impairment in the ability to perceive sounds characterized by brief or rapidly changing temporal cues, fundamental to speech perception (Fitch, et al., 1997; Benasich et al., 2002; Tallal et al., 2004), while an alternate hypothesis proposes that SLI develops due to a deficit in the perception of rhythmic timing (Goswami, 2002), which might subserve speech segmentation during language development. Neuroanatomical research suggests that deficits associated with SLI may well emerge in relatively low-level, subcortical auditory processing (Benasich et al., 2002). Here we propose a simple model of low-level auditory processing capable of explaining some of the specific deficits identified in SLI populations associated with both RAP and rhythmic perception. In this “spike coding” model (Smith & Lewicki, 2005 & 2006) sounds are decomposed into a highly sparse set of “spikes” representing the occurrence of acoustic events selected from a dictionary of learned acoustic features (kernel functions). Importantly, by optimizing these acoustic features to efficiently encode natural sounds the resulting code partitions time-frequency space in an identical fashion to the mammalian cochlear code (Smith & Lewicki, 2006). This model predicts that the peripheral auditory code should contain a diverse set of coding units, with some devoted to accurately tracking acoustic transients while others are devoted to tight frequency resolution. The research proposed here uses a combination of behavioral experiments and computation modeling to test whether deficits in RAP and rhythmic perception both emerge in this model from a disruption of the units responsible for tracking acoustic transients.
january 18
- Speaker: Chris
- Title/abstract:
january 25
- Speaker: Tony
- Title/abstract:
february 1
- Speaker: Gianluca
- Title/abstract:
february 8
- Speaker: David Pfau
- Title/abstract:
february 15
- Speaker: Thomas
- Title/abstract:
february 22
- Speaker: Jack
- Title/abstract:
february 29
- Speaker: No meeting, COSYNE
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Paul Ivanov (slides)
- Title/abstract: I'll cover the Kozachenko and Leonenko binless entropy estimation method for which I'm in the process of building a toolbox.
I don't have any exciting new results yet, but I want to be prepared to explain the method for when the excitement does start.
Depending on how long the above stretches out to, I'll also give an introduction to CUDA - nVidia's general purpose GPU API to start planting seeds inside your heads for the types of applications that could be sped up using graphics cards.
- Speaker: Kilian
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Chetan
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: no meeting
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Jimmy
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Bruno
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Amir
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Fritz
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Pierre
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Tim
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Chris
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: David Zipser
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Greg Simpson
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Will
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: George Oster
- Title/abstract: The neural origins of sea shell patterns
- Speaker: Jascha
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Chris Fiorillo, Stanford
- Speaker:
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Charles
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Mike
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Vivienne
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Gianluca
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Thomas
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Paul (slides)
- Title/abstract:Nearest Neighbor search using CUDA: or how I learned to start worrying and fear the float.
I'll talk about what kinds of computations can benefit from being offloaded to graphics cards, as well as some interesting limitations of using floating points that came to light and have been keeping me up at night ever since.
- Speaker: Gianluca
- Title/abstract: Python tools for brain-inspired sound analysis.
- Speaker: Amir
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Bruno
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Badr (Mike DeWeese)
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Peter (DeWeese lab)
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Pierre
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Jimmy
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Rich
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Paul (slides) (sub'd for Fritz)
- Title/abstract: Electoral reform, clustering, and vector quantization. I'll cover instant run-off voting, and it's multi-seat cousin ranked choice voting, and how we can should be able to apply it to some of the problems that we have.
- Speaker: Jeff
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Nicol
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Jascha
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Charles
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Alex
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Thanksgiving
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Thomas
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Amir
- Title/abstract:
- Speaker: Mike
- Title/abstract:
January 5
- Speaker: Jack
- Title/abstract:
january 12
- Speaker: Jascha
- Title/abstract:
january 19
- Speaker: Scott Makeig
- Title/abstract:
january 26
- Walter Freeman symposium (no meeting)
february 2
- Speaker: Charles
- Title/abstract:
february 9
- Speaker: Frank Wood (Grad student in Michael Black's group)
- Title/abstract:
february 16
- Speaker: Cosyne practice talks and posters
- Title/abstract:
february 22 - february 27
march 2
- Speaker: Alexis Guanella, ETH/INI Zurich
- Title/abstract: Grid cells
march 9
- Speaker: Jeffrey Ng (visitor)
- Title/abstract:
march 16
- Speaker: Jimmy
- Title/abstract:
march 23
- Speaker: Tony
- Learning in the Kinetic Automaton
march 30
- Speaker: spring break
- Title/abstract:
april 6
- Speaker: Martin Rehn
- Title/abstract:
april 13
- Speaker: Charles
- Title/abstract:
april 20
- Speaker: Alexander Schmolck
- Title/abstract:
april 27
- Speaker: Jascha
- Title/abstract:
may 4
- Speaker: Bruno
- Title/abstract:
may 11
- Speaker: Jimmy
- Title/abstract:
may 18
- Speaker: Thomas
- Title/abstract:
may 25
- Speaker: Evan
- Title/abstract: Auditory Scene Analysis / I'll give a quick tour of a few projects geared towards developing a large-scale model of auditory scene processing.
june 1
- Speaker: Tim
- Title/abstract: Saccades, spike timing and large scale cortical dynamics / project update.
june 8
- Speaker: cancelled
- Title/abstract:
june 15
- Speaker: Amir
- Title/abstract:
june 22
- Speaker: Pierre
- Title/abstract:
june 29
- Speaker: Mike
- Title/abstract:
july 6
- Speaker: cancelled
- Title/abstract:
july 13
- Speaker: no meeting
- Title/abstract:
july 20
- Speaker: Thomas
- Title/abstract: fMRI analysis
july 27
- Speaker: Jimmy
- Title/abstract: Learning overcomplete subspace structures on natural speech signal
august 3
- Speaker: Kilian
- Title/abstract:
august 10
- Speaker: no meeting
- Title/abstract:
august 17
- Speaker: Chetan
- Title/abstract:
august 24
- Speaker: Russ Webb
- Title/abstract:
august 31
- Speaker: Charles
- Title/abstract:
september 7
- Speaker: Bruno
- Title/abstract:
sept 14
- Speaker: Amir (granlibakken starts in the evening)
- Title/abstract:
sept 21
- Speaker: Chris
- Title/abstract:
sept 28
- Speaker: Chetan
- Title/abstract: Psychophysics of Object Recognition
oct 5
- Speaker: Fritz
- Title/abstract:
oct 12
- Speaker: Pierre
- Title/abstract:
oct 19
- Speaker: Mike D
- Title/abstract:
oct 26
- Speaker: sfn poster preview
- Title/abstract:
nov 2
- Speaker: sfn panic - last practice talks, posters should be printed...
- Title/abstract:
nov 9
- Speaker: SFN nobody is back yet.
- Title/abstract:
nov 16
- Speaker: SFN summary
- Title/abstract:
nov 23
- Speaker: thanksgiving
- Title/abstract:
nov 30
- Speaker: Jascha
- Title/abstract:
december 7
- Speaker: no meeting, NIPS
- Title/abstract:
december 14
- Speaker: Dan Feldman
- Title/abstract:
december 21
- Speaker: no meeting
- Title/abstract:
April 21
- Speaker: Fritz
- Title/abstract: Endophysics
April 28
- Speaker: Tony
- Title/abstract: ICA, ISA, IVA and all that (slides)
May 5
- Speaker: Kilian/Tony/Fritz
- Title/abstract: FQXI proposal link
May 12
- Speaker: Bruno
- Title/abstract:
May 19
- Speaker: Jimmy Wang
- Title/abstract: Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Sparse Coding
May 26
- Speaker: Pierre
- Title/abstract: Qualifying exams practice talk
June 2
- Speaker: Tim
- Title/abstract: Polytrodes : large scale neuronal recording.
June 9
- Speaker: Kilian+Charles
- Title/abstract: Generalizing the Hilbert Transformation to 2D -- The Monogenic Signal
June 16
- Speaker: Thomas
- Title/abstract: Preliminary stuff on coherence analysis of sustained attention fMRI experiments.
June 23
- Speaker: Rich Baraniuk
- Title/abstract: Compressed Sensing
June 30
- Speaker: Kilian
- Title/abstract:
July 7
- Speaker: Tony
- Title/abstract:
July 14
- Speaker: Bruno
- Title/abstract:
July 21
- Speaker: Jimmy
- Title/abstract: Signal processing using Chromatic Derivatives
July 28
- Speaker: Pierre
- Title/abstract: Hierarchical Sparse Bayesian Learning
August 4
- Speaker: Fritz (Jimmy)
- Title/abstract: Kingsbury/complex wavelets
August 11
- Speaker: Jack
- Title/abstract: Bilinear models
August 18
- Speaker: Tim
- Title/abstract: How sparse is the cortex?
August 25
- Speaker: Amir
- Title/abstract: Receptive fields
September 1
- Speaker: Tony
- Title/abstract:
September 8
- Speaker: Jascha
- Title/abstract:
September 15
- Speaker: Bin Yu
- Title/abstract:
September 22
- Speaker: Charles
- Title/abstract:
September 29
- Speaker: Pierre
- Title/abstract:
October 6
- Speaker: Kilian
- Title/abstract:
October 13
- Speaker: Horace Barlow
- Title/abstract: Glass patterns
October 20
- Speaker: Evan
- Title/abstract: Coincidences and curious complexity
Is there a relationship between noticing a coincidence in a higher-level cognition sense, such as detecting "non-random" patterns in a series of coin flips, and experience-dependent changes in "attentional" preferences, such as developmental changes in looking times? Perhpas not but I'll spin a yarn in any case. I'll start with a review of Griffiths & Tenebaum (in press), "From mere coincidence to meaningful discoveries" (link here: Then I follow with some ill formed ideas of my own.
October 27
- Speaker: Bruno -> Tim
- Title/abstract: SFN poster on sparseness in neural recordings
November 3
- Speaker: Fritz
- Title/abstract:
November 10
- Speaker: Jimmy
- Title/abstract:
November 17
- Speaker: Thomas
- Title/abstract: Functional cortical networks during sustained visuospatial attention. (fMRI data stuff).
November 24
- Speaker: thanksgiving, no meeting
December 1
- Speaker: Tony
- Title/abstract:
December 8
- Speaker: Bruno
- Title/abstract:
December 15
- Speaker: Amir
- Title/abstract: Will have guest speaker, head of SETI@home and BOINC projects.
December 22, 29
- Speaker: holidays, no meetings