VS212B fall07
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Week 1
- Nov. 7
- Lecture slides
- Reading:
- Land & Fernald paper on Evolution of Eyes,
- Rodieck: Chapters 3 & 8 (pp. 177-186), plus "Interlude on plotting light intensity" (pp. 151-154)
Week 2
- Nov. 14
- Lecture slides
- Reading:
- Van Essen & Anderson article on Information Processing Strategies and Pathways in the Primate %%Visual System
- Handout on Aliasing
- Handout on Degrees, radians, retinal size and sampling
- Useful numbers in vision science
- Demos:
- Lab 1 - simulation of retinal sampling lattice
Week 3
- Nov. 19
- Lecture slides
- Reading:
- Derrington-Krauskopf-Lennie paper on color-opponency in LGN
- Ruderman et al paper on principal components of color in natural images
- Olshausen & Field paper on sparse coding of natural images
- Demos:
- Lab 2 - natural image statistics and efficient coding
Week 4
- Nov. 26
- Lecture slides
- required reading for Nov. 26 lecture Livingstone and Hubel 1988
- waterfall motion aftereffect
- spiral motion aftereffect
- MT direction selectivity movie
- localizing V1 and MT with fMRI
- biological motion - point light walkers
- interactive biological motion adaptation website
- optic ataxia video
- misbinding of color and motion
- pink dots illusion
- Nov. 28
- Lecture slides
- required reading for Lecture 7 Reynolds and Chelazzi 2004
- gorilla change blindness demo
- The Colour Changing Card Trick
- airplane change blindness demo
- sphinx change blindness demo
- Grenoble street scene (you may have trouble viewing this on a Mac)
- personal identity change blindness demo
Week 5
- December 3
- Lecture slides
- required reading for Lecture 8 Logothetis and Wandell 2004
- calcium imaging of hippocampal neurons
- voltage-sensitive dyes - evoked versus spontaneous spike-triggered activity
- orientation pinwheels demo
- gray/white matter segmentation movie
- cortical inflation and flattening movie
- inflation of cortical surface to establish standardized coordinate frame
- rotating wedge stimulus used for retinotopic mapping
- expanding ring stimulus used for retinotopic mapping
- movie of layout of upper right visual field quadrant
- December 5
- Lecture slides
- required reading for Lecture 9 Hooks and Chen 2007
- retinal waves movie